Monday, 17 September 2007

oh my god, whatever, etc.

so this is my new and somewhat anonymous blog. While I'm not sure if anyone will read it, I'm pretty sure those people who I don't want to read it won't know about it.
Been working so much lately, gives me less time to think about a previous love and more time to focus on girl a at work. I really shouldn't be thinking about girl a because she 1) has a boyfriend and 2) is leaving the country in about three weeks. I can't really help it though, she's really pretty and fun to be around. I know nothing will happen, ever, but I don't mind because I'm just glad I know her.
Been listening to an awful lot of alt-country lately, particularly a lot of Ryan Adams and Whiskytown. Not sure what it is about it, I just like the music and I can really relate to the sentiments, that is I also like cheap booze and beautiful women.
Bought some new records yesterday, got J Church's first two albums (Quetzacoatl and Prophylaxis) for £4 each, both long out of print and worth a hell of a lot. Prophylaxis came with a bonus live 7" which is really cool. Also picked up Understand? by Naked Raygun. Rather ashameldly, I will admit that I had never heard Naked Raygun before. I like the record though. Also got Darkness On The Edge Of Town by Bruce Springsteen for £3. The only song I know of it is Badlands, but that song is good enough! The movie from the early 70s with Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek was fantastic too.
Had a jam with tom stolson and t-dogg last night. Stolson wasn't really feeling it, so he sat in the living room with his girlfriend while me and t-dogg played some weird reggae jams, amongst other things. Talked for a while as well. He was telling me about a brief dalliance he had with a chick last week that ended in him leaving via a first floor window. Funny stuff.
I wish this was as interesting a a Henry Miller novel, but alas I'm not that good yet. I'm just warming up though kids, I'm just warming up.

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