Wednesday, 28 January 2009

call to arms

this is our punk rock. the future is unwritten. don't tell a soul. music is no fucking joke. don't believe anyone who says 'its only music'. fuck you. without music i would not be who i am today. that is a fact. it is not up for debate. i can guarantee that without 24 hour revenge therapy. without repeater. without damaged. without london calling i would not be the person that i am today and i most certainly wouldn't be the writer i am today. had i not spent my years dropping the needle then i wouldn't be screaming my own words in bedrooms, basements and more. music is important. not what's on the radio: that's business plans, marketing strategies and its funding wars worldwide. keep it. i'd rather my guitar dropped the bomb on all of you that have the money from 'music' drop real bombs and kill real people. our band could be your life. punk rock saved mine. hearing jawbreaker for the first time aged 15 changed everthing. something smashed through a door in my head jack nicolson in the shining style. he stuck his manic grinning face through the hole and nothing was the same. jawbreaker was year zero for me. the heavy metal cds went into a box into the attic as the room was filled with every type of punk rock i could find. mostly the gravelliest sounding ones or anything signed to dischord or sst. that stuff left a crater where music used to be. if you hear it abd would rather go back to james morrison, then simply you don't like music. and if you think i'm a snob for telling it like it is then FUCK YOU! this shit is for real. the underground will never disappear. we are the turntables spinning split 7"s in your bedroom. we are screaming in pub basements nationwide. we are the indie record stores, the photocopied fanzines, the distros. we are your punk rock. don't tell a soul.

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